The Little Rascals
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The Little Rascals

Okay so I admit it this is my movie, The Little Rascal's is tizight, don't deny it either. You gotta ask me to do my impersionation of them. And if you ever see me and KyLee together then you really should! Oohhh-tay! gotta love these little kids..."Look, it's a duck with a buck."

Dear Darla,
I hate your stinkin' guts. You make me vomit! You're scum between my toes!

Worker at the bank: If you were my kids I'd punish you.
Spanky: If we were your kids, we would punish ourselves.

Buckwheat: Hey look, my mom's here (Whoopie Goldberg)
Porky: Whoopee!