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Play Basketball
Okay maybe I'm not that good at it, but it's still my favorite sport and I do have a rather nice jump shot. And I'm saying that out of Chris' mouth, and he doesn't give compliments much, so when he does I take it seriously. But still a lot of my friends are way better then me..Jen, Casey, Bryan, Marcus, Chris and John, then all kick butt at basketball. Now if only some of them would try out for the freaking basketball teams...
OH YEA! The Lakers kick bootay! Can you say sweep!!!!

Go Kobe
And when I grow up I wanna be like Kobe, okay, actually I don't really but you know.
I love music, sometimes I think that this is the one thing that keeps me sane. Most people think I'm a snob because I'd rather listen to my music then talk to them. Everyone on my bus thinks that, I don't care. They obviously are pretty rude to think that when they don't even know me. Anyways off the topic...

Okay writing is my thing. I love to write, particularly poetry. I like to read it to. That is why there is a page on this website with my favorite poetry on it.

Hanging Out
Besides my music the other thing that keeps me sane is my friends. I love hanging out with them, which is why I'm rarely at my own house. I'm always gone, and my grandma is always getting annoyed by it...but whatever.

So what do you think of that Celica? Cars..my other love. I went to the import car show on Saturday...it was awesome. I can't wait to get my pictures back. Even though I hate Civics, there was this hatchback, that was hooked the hell up. It was awesome.