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This site is a dedication to all my friends..
Let's see...

Krystal (Kristo)-She is one of my best friend's, she is in Japan right now though. But she is still my best friend.

Nichole (Icky Nikki)-She is another one of my best friends. And she is the bomb! Okay not really but you know...And she is a twin and ya. That's it! Actually there is way more, but if I told you everything about her she would kill me.

KyLee (KyKy)-She is my lastest, but not leastest best friend. She is my funny friend. If I ever was with her and I didn't laugh at least once, one of us is deatly ill. It took her an entire year longer than me to get here, but she's finally at CP with me!! YEA!

Stephanie (Dumpy)-That is what her little brother calls her. She is bomb too, cause ya just cause she is.

Caitlin (Caty)- Okay Caitlin is my insane friend, she is so weird. But not in a bad way. Really...and she is awesome and stuff.

Joshie- Yea Josh is my homeboy, I don't know what to say about him. He is really special and important to me. Yep, and he's nuts cause he is capbable of writing 20 page letters!

Sadie- Sadie is my Kentucky friend, she used to live here in Lakewood, but she moved. But that's okay cause we still write each other. Hopefully she will come to check out my bomb website!

SGH- I can't tell you what that means, cause it's top secret, but if you know then you are cool. Anyways everyone that is in the SGH is tizight, Casey, Marcus, Bryan, Dumpy, Chris, Me, John, Rex, KyLee and Julius. And Kurt kinda is, but we don't tell him cause it will make his already too big ego bigger. J/K! Oh and the HD is in, for those of you who get it.

My freshy friends- Dale, Dawnia, Jeremy, Liz Jennifer, Colleen, Jasmyn, Dominik, Jessica, Nikki, KyLee, John, and Chris. Oh wow, you all are at CP, I'm feeling old now!

My church friends- Bethanie, Lauren, Hosannah (sorry if I spelt it wrong), Sam, Jason, Chris, Josh, Josh, Johnathon, Christina, Michael, Randy, Jen, Celine, and Mel. Who else am I forgetting?

My really young friends (those of you who are in 8th grade or younger)- Dumpy, Jesse, Steven (I miss you, where ever you are!), Joesph.

My Lochburn friends- Lindsey, Jen, Ksenia (we'll miss---you have fun at Foss), Jechri, Sarah, Karen (miss you too-have fun at Curtis), Andy, Nino, Shannon, J.D., Caitlin, Joyce, Casey, Charish, Ariel and Jenny. And everyone else, there are a lot of you.

My CP Friends- Tyler, Calish, Keshia, Asreale (I can't belive you graduated!), Lena, Rex, Ruby, Sarah, Jeremy, Alex, Jason, Shannon (you did in the AF), Bobby, and Tucker. And everyone else that I'm forgetting!

My page friends- Nina, Colton, Kyle, Courtney, Kida, Erin, Bryngel, Max, Celeste, Catherine, Lisa, Micheal, Judd, and Eric. I think that is most of you but their are prolly more!

Well those are all my friends, if I missed you, you can come beat me up. Well not really!